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RCN publications cover a wide range of topics varying from clinical guidance to employment relations issues to advice on bullying. To reproduce RCN publications please complete the copyright request form and we’ll be in touch.

  • 30 May 2024

    RCN Annual Review of the Year 2023

    Publication Code : 011 052

    This annual review is a chance to reflect on the RCN's successes and feel inspired to continue our vital work. It’s an opportunity to remind ourselves of the value we add to our members and the wider nursing community.

  • 16 May 2024

    State of the Profession Report. RCN Employment Survey 2023

    Publication Code : 011 484

    This report provides a summary of findings from a survey of RCN members which was undertaken in autumn 2023. The survey received 11,287 responses from registered nurses, health care support workers, nursing students and nursing associates working across all areas of health and social care.

  • 10 May 2024

    RCN Professional Development Framework - Advanced Level Nursing

    Publication Code : 011 127

    The RCN has developed definitions and standards for the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of nursing to provide clarity for those members of the nursing workforce who aspire to practice at these levels, as well as for employers and higher education institutes (HEIs).

  • 10 May 2024

    RCN Professional Development Framework Consultant Level Nursing

    Publication Code : 011 128

    The RCN has developed definitions and standards for the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of nursing to provide clarity for those members of the nursing workforce who aspire to practice at these levels, as well as for employers and higher education institutes (HEIs).

  • 10 May 2024

    RCN Professional Development Framework Enhanced Level Nursing

    Publication Code : 011 129

    The RCN has developed definitions and standards for the enhanced, advanced and consultant levels of nursing to provide clarity for those members of the nursing workforce who aspire to practice at these levels, as well as for employers and higher education institutes (HEIs).

  • 1 May 2024

    NHS Pay Review Body 2024-2025 Pay Round: Royal College of Nursing Wales (RCN Wales) evidence

    Publication Code : 011-501

    This paper provides supporting evidence the to Pay Review Body (PRB) relating specifically to Wales.

  • 8 Apr 2024

    A fresh start for nursing

    Publication Code : 011 533

    The RCN’s response to the 2024 UK government consultation on nursing pay and careers.

  • 25 Mar 2024

    Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

    Publication Code : 011 496

    This report outlines the statistics of the gender pay gap at the Royal College of Nursing, 2023.

  • 1 Mar 2024

    Staffing for Safe and Effective Care. A Health and Safety Representative’s Resource

    Publication Code : 011 415

    This updated resource is to assist and support health and safety representatives in recognising health and safety problems linked to unsafe staffing levels, from poor moving and handling practice to missed breaks and long working hours. It recognises the role that learning representatives and stewards can take and how we can work together as a team. It also recognises the supporting role of RCN staff when our health and safety representatives are faced with challenging issues or organisations that don’t act on their findings.

  • 28 Feb 2024

    Conscientious Objection - Termination of Pregnancy/Abortion Care

    Publication Code : 011 358

    This updated publication details the RCN position on conscientious objection and provides guidance on the issue for nurses, midwives and nursing associates. It also provides signposts to sources of further information.